Monday, 2 February 2015

Isla Mujeres 2014 ~~ Day 30 ~~ THE END!!!

Isla Mujeres 2014

Day 30 ~~ Saturday March 8 ~~ THE END!!

"I'm not getting on that plane!!!"

No way that I would sleep through my last sunrise…even made Vince get up for it too...

I have enjoyed and savoured every single sunrise this past month.  If I lived here all year round, I would still get up every morning….for me, it's the best part of the day….

Luckily, we are all packed and ready to go, so we have time to take one last scooter zoom before we return it and head for the ferry.  First stop….a long gaze at Playa Norte...

Save my spot until next time!

Off on our usual jaunt around the island.  It's funny how our important decisions each zoom zoom revolve around 'down the west side and up the east' or down the east side and up the west'!  Such difficult choices!  Today it's down the west and up the east….

Zoom zoom selfie...

This is Lolo Lorena's home….where we have enjoyed many wonderful and delicious dinners….

Just have to stop and take in the view….

I wonder how many times we've driven this circle route.  One year we put on over 200 kms in 2 weeks.  Given that the island is not that large, that's a lot of circles!

Pick a shell, any shell...

The entrance to Avenida Juarez...

Vince takes the scooter back while I finish up the last minute packing.  Time to put the sea glass back in the basket until 2015...

Enjoying the last breezes on our balcony….adios Casita Isladise!

Jan and Bruce have a golf cart for the day and are kind enough to transport our suitcases to the ferry where the greeting gang awaits...

We had so much fun with all of you….thanks for the memories once again!

Lead feet takes up the stairs on the ferry….at least we get to enjoy a gorgeous view...

Having such a special send-off makes leaving a little easier….beside it would be embarrassing to cry in front of so many people!  Gracias amigos!

Still waiting to see a nice little palapa bar at the new ferry dock...

Wait!!!  I don't want to leave!!!!

It's bittersweet to be able to see exactly where I was such a short time ago….

The next few photos are like the ending to a fireworks show….going out with a big bang of blues!…..

It doesn't matter how many times we visit, the blues will always take my breath away….

Adios Isla Mujeres!  This special little island gave us the healing that we needed after 2 very stressful years.  It's a magical place!

If you're still reading, I hope you enjoyed our 'Days of Isla'! 

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