Saturday 10 November 2012

I've Been Published!!!!

Well, this is cool!  My dad is definitely smiling......

I've written poems for years.....for special occasions, for Christmas letters.....and just recently, for my Dad.  My mom loved the poem and shared it with her cousins in Baltimore.  They asked my permission to share it and now it's been published!  In the Danish Pioneer.....Eulogy for my Danish father...

It's hard to read in that link, so here it is in larger print...

What can I say about my Dad,
That he was all mine, I am so glad.
He had so much love to give,
And such a strong will to live.

Daddy had a difficult childhood,
Many years later it would still affect his mood.
But he managed to rise above,
And treated me always with kindness and love.

He was the hardest worker you would ever see,
Building amazing playhouses just for me.
Mom had countless projects for him to start,
He did them all with love from his heart.

He loved to go fishing at Pinaus Lake,
He didn’t eat the fish, and the road there was more than I could take.
We always went to the end of the lake by the ‘wheat’ bed,
It was years later that I learned he meant the ‘weed’ bed.

His Danish accent made him so unique,
Sometimes it was hard not to critique.
He always said funny things for show,
“Not this cowboy” and a long phase of “I don’t know”.

Every boyfriend I had was called ‘Louis’,
He scared most of them away, phooey.
He really didn’t have to worry,
To share my heart, I was in no hurry.

Fun holidays and trips home to Denmark,
Life was wonderful, such a lark.
He worked hard so we could have these memories,
That we remember every moment, he would be pleased.

A friend from 40 years ago told me the other day,
How she remembered Dad’s BBQ chicken and the fish pond where we used to play.
What greater honour for a Daddy could there be,
Than the happiness he created for my friends and me.

And that’s what Daddy really means to me,
He gave us so much more than we can see.
He shared everything he had in this world,
And that is why I’ll always be Daddy’s Little Girl.

You squeezed my hand and looked deep into mom's eyes
Almost 2 weeks ago, how time flies
Like the sun that moves behind a cloud
In a moment you left us and we cried aloud

Today we are here to celebrate your long and happy life
Your family and friends your daughter and your wife
Without you we would not be gathered here
To honour you we will hold memories of you always near
I love you Daddy

I think my Dad would be very impressed.  He always made sure to tell me how proud he was of me....even for little things.  I hope the people that read the Danish Pioneer enjoy the poem.  Thank you to Per and Lyn for thinking that my poem was Dad is smiling!

For more information about this organization, see The Danish Club of Washington, DC

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